Wednesday, October 14, 2009

High Cost of Education

Education is one of important things in our life, especially to our future. Education can determine our position in our job. Someone who have done his/her education until higher level or someone who have good education background usually get good job. Someone who have good education background not only get good job, but also get higher position in his/her office. But, in our country, each of students cannot continue their education to higher level because of high of cost of education. Many students who cannot continue their education to higher level are come from poor family. Actually like we know from the text above, education is important to our future, but high cost of education makes poor student cannot continue to higher level. That situation makes only young generation in Indonesia who comes from rich family will get bright future. Of course it’s not fair to students who come from poor family, because all of people want their future will bright. So, cost of education in Indonesia should be lower to enable all of young generation in
Indonesia get brighter future.

All of us know that high cost of education in Indonesia is not public secret again. High cost of education in Indonesia happened in long time. When Indonesiain monetary crisis in 1998, all of price in Indonesia be increase. Although monetary crisis in Indonesia is over, the impact is still can see until now. One of example is high cost of education. Cost of education in Indonesia not be lower, on the contrary be increase. It happened because the facilities of education in Indonesia need much money, but the government of Indonesia can only give a few subsidy for education facilities. The government can only give a few subsidy because there are many other important things in our country that need subsidy too. There are subsidy for development many public facilities, subsidy for basic need, subsidy for gasoline, and many more. Because of that situation, the government to pick up fee for education. The government’s decision give many impact to our country. Many poor students cannot continue their school because their parents cannot able to pay education fee. That situation makes Indonesia’s human resources not as good as the other human resources from other country. Bad human resources makes economics growth in Indonesia cannot increase and not competitive.

To avoid decrease of Indonesian economic growth, high of education in Indonesia should be lower. But, how to decrease cost of education in Indonesia? Of course decrease cost of education in Indonesia is not as easy as we to return our hand. So, the government tried to give some solution. The solution are subsidi silang, scholarship for poor student, and sekolah terbuka.

Subsidi silang is education fee compensation for poor students. Poor students pay education fee cheaper than rich students. Poor students who can pay education fee with subsidi silang is poor student who have surat tanda tidak mampu from lowest local government.

Second solution is scholarship for poor students. It is scholarship for outstanding students who come from poor family. With this scholarship, outstanding students who come from poor family can continue their school without pay. To get scholarship, poor student must to pass by some academic test. Not only that, poor students must to show surat keterangan tidak mampu and their school report. Poor student who get outstanding score and satisfies the requirements will get the scholarship.

The third solution is sekolah terbuka. Sekolah terbuka is school that only for poor student. Sekolah terbuka’s fee is free. The teachers who teach at sekolah terbuka are teaching without pay. Student at sekolah terbuka get study books from volunteer contribution, Like scholarship for poor student and subsidi silang, poor student who want to study at sekolah terbuka must to show surat tanda tidak mampu from lowest local government.

Actually, we hope the government’s effort will success. If the government effort success, it will give good effect for young generation in Indonesia. Average of human resources in Indonesia will increase. It is because all of young generation in Indonesia have the same opportunity. All of young generation in Indonesia can continue their education to higher level. So, if they can continue their study until higher level, Indonesia will have good human resources as good as the other human resources from the other country. And for their self, they will easier to get good job and find good position in their office. Of course it will makes their future brighter.

In summary, cost of education in Indonesia should be lower in order to all of young generation in Indonesia can continue their education to higher level. So that, the government tried to level up education in Indonesia with three ways. There are subsidi silang, scholarship for poor student, and sekolah terbuka. If the solution success, education in Indonesia will throughout. Not only that, quality of human resources in Indonesia will increase and young generation in
Indonesia’s future will brighter.

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